Pulsed Electro Magnetic Ion Transport (PEMI)

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Ion Transport (PEMI)
Our PEMI mat restores the charge on your cell membranes. This restores the proper Ph, or alkalinity, in your body. We recharge our phones every night. Just like a battery, our cells need to be charged as well. When our blood cells lack charge they tend to clump. These clumped blood cells do not flow well and oxygen absorption, as well as waste elimination, are limited. Our PEMI mat is a therapeutic tool that boosts cellular energy production and restores the natural charge in our cells. At Advanced Frequency Energy Spa in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, Trish Mahoney and the wellness spa team have the PureWave™ Pulsed Electro Magnetic Ion-Transport (PEMI) magnetic mat. They use the PEMI mat as a stand-alone treatment and also as part 1 of Superhuman Protocol™. Are you ready to re-energize your life? Call today or schedule your magnetic mat session online.
Pulsed Electro Magnetic Ion Transport (PEMI)
Question and Answer
What is a PEMI magnetic mat?
A PEMI mat also know as PEMF mat is one of the energy wellness services the team at Advanced Frequency Energy Spa uses to help you feel your best. The PureWave™ PEMI magnetic mat uses pulses of magnetic energy to recharge your cells.
Every cell in your body has a magnetic charge. The magnetic mat acts like a power source, recharging the magnetism in your cells.
Advanced Frequency Energy Spa offers the magnetic mat as an a la carte treatment or as one of the three therapies in the Superhuman Protocol™.
How does the magnetic mat work?
The PEMI Magnetic mat works by rebalancing energy levels in the cell. The PureWave PEMI magnetic mat allows your body to absorb electrons, creating the ionic charge within the cell that helps maintain normal Ph and restore alkalinity.
The magnetic mat also helps separate clumped red blood cells, which tend to clump together when the charge is low. The clumping of your cells inhibits their ability to flow freely and to absorb oxygen.
The idea behind the magnetic mat is that it grounds you. Ideally, your feet naturally ground (recharge your cells) to the Earth when you walk barefoot. If you’re unable to walk barefoot outside regularly, you’re unable to recharge your cells. our ancestors spent their lives outdoors without rubber soled shoes. They naturally absorbed magnetism from the Earth and maintained a healthy charge of their cells. Today we spend most of our time indoors, under artificial light and we wear rubber soled shoes. this completely disconnects us from natures restoring magnetic charge. We aim to efficiently restore that charge with our PEMI therapy sessions.
Eight minutes on the PEMI magnetic mat at Advanced Frequency Energy Spa is the equivalent of recharging or grounding your body barefoot for 12 hours.
What does magnetic mat therapy feel like?
Magnetic mat therapy at Advanced Frequency Energy Spa is painless and relaxing. During your session, you lie on the PureWave PEMI mat in one of the peaceful lounge areas.
Therapy takes 10 minutes or less. The magnetic mat is the first treatment of the Superhuman Protocol, which is then followed by Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)and then red light therapy in our Theralight 360 Pro lightbed.
What will I feel like after the PEMI magnetic mat?
You feel relaxed and re-energized following your magnetic mat session at Advanced Frequency Energy Spa. Restoring your body’s natural magnetism boosts energy, improves mental clarity, and gives you a general sense of well-being. It also, improves sleep and increases blood flow and oxygen absorption up to 900%.
Advanced Frequency Energy Spa is proud to offer cutting-edge anti-aging bio-hacking technologies that promote cell restoration and overall wellness. Call today or schedule your magnetic mat session using the online booking button. Walk-ins are always welcome.